Basics of Investment

Dr. Aditya Srinivas

Dr. V. Aditya Srinivas

Chief Operating officer and Chief Economist
Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers Forum


The objective of writing this book in the form of question and answer is that during my session in more than 60 institutions in India covering more than 3000 students, I felt that in all the Question and Answer sessions, the students had lot of confusion in basics concepts. There was a clear gap between what they learn in class room but do not understand the concepts. My humble attempt is to fill this gap. I have taken sessions in top B schools like IIM Indore,  IIFT Delhi, Narseemonjee to name a few and  also institutions  which run the night colleges where the students from working class continue their study. My effort is to spread the basic knowledge about the capital market and the financial system of India among the young students who are going to be the investors for tomorrow. If this young generation is given proper guidance and knowledge then we can develop a new breed of new informed investors who can contribute to the capital markets and also make a living for themselves.


I take this opportunity to sincerely thank Miss Naik Afifa Khatoon, studying  MBA in Allana Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, who has done the editing of this book. She has been real help to me in completing this book and ensuring that I am able to do this work along with my busy office work. She has been instrumental in completing this book on timely basis.


Dr.V.Aditya Srinivas

Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers Forum